Summit FAQ

General Summit Questions

Based on the details of your registration, we carefully select only the most suitable solution providers for you to meet with (should you wish). Each meeting is 20 minutes long and focuses on solving a specific priority you have listed. Please contact Martina Connolly on +44 (0)7501469010 for more information

The summit takes place at Croke Park, Dublin. The closest accommodation is the Croke Park Hotel.

Industry leading professionals from both domestic and international corporations, working in Financial Services and Fintech. Invitations are extended to C-Level Executives, SVPs, VPs, Directors, Heads of Departments and Senior Managers.

Getting there


Please contact Martina Connolly on +44 (0)7501469010 for any questions regarding your sponsorship.

Ticket Questions

As part of our terms and conditions, we unfortunately do not have offer refunds. We appreciate your understanding of this policy. Please do note that you can transfer your ticket to another person up to 30 days before Summit.

Sponsorship Enquiry

Register your interest